Legal Notice

DFG Deutsche FilmversicherungsGemeinschaft is a trademark of WECOYA SPECIALTY Underwriting GmbH

Große Elbstraße 39
22767 Hamburg

Registry court in Hamburg: Hamburg Local Court:HRB 177200
AT number in accordance with section 27a of the German VAT Act (USG): DE357002408

Phone: +49 40 2383886-8200

Managing Director
Nicolas von Simson

Details of disclosure duties pursuant to section 15 of the German Insurance Mediation Act (Versicherungsvermittlungsverordnung)

WECOYA SPECIALTY Underwriting GmbH is registered with the competent authority and entered in the Insurance Mediation Register as an agent under No. D-DLT9-RY57J-09 in accordance with section 34 d) (1) of the German Trade Act (Gewerbeordnung)

Competent permit-granting authority is

Handelskammer Hamburg
Adolphsplatz 1
20457 Hamburg


The entry in the Insurance Mediation Register can be checked here:
Germany Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e. V.)
11052 Berlin
Tel.: 0180-600585-0 (0,20 € per call)

Our company does not have a direct or indirect participation of over 10% in the voting rights or the capital of an insurance company. An insurance company or parent company of an insurance company does not have a direct or indirect participation of over 10% in the voting rights or the capital of our company.

The following arbitration boards can be contacted for the out-of-court settlement of a dispute:
Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.
Postfach 08 06 32
10006 Berlin

Ombudsmann für die private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
Postfach 06 02 22
10052 Berlin

Transit, Schramm Film/Christian Schulz; Buddy, herbX, Warner Bros. Ent.; Simpel, LETTERBOX FILMPRODUDUKTION, Gordon Timpen; Nur Gott kann mich richten, Ratpack, Constantin Film; Dieses bescheuerte Herz, Constantin Film/Jürgen Olczyk; Nur Gott kann mich richten, Ratpack, Constantin Film; Die kleine Hexe, Studiocanal GmbH / Claussen+Putz Film / Walter Wehner; 25 km/h, Sony Pictures; Aus dem Nichts, bombero int, Warner Bros. Ent./Gordon Timpen; Der Hauptmann von Köpenick, Dreharbeiten,; MG RTL D/ Stefan Gregorowius; ZDF; NDR; ARD Degeto; Angela Pfeiffer,

Illustrations: Sarah Locher,

Despite careful content controls, we do not accept any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their contents (declaration according to the judgement of Hamburg Regional Court, Ref. 312 O 85/98)